The founder of Training in Power bases her courses on vibration. In each level of courses Power Transfer from the teacher raises the students vibration, and it is up to the student to maintain that vibration to go on to the next level. Students are regularly monitored through the ‘levels’ for vibration by teachers. Vibration in this case means adherence to the story, to the rules of Training in Power. Teachers and even ‘levels’ can be valuable to increase a student’s awareness if, and only if, that student truly has free will to learn and self assess from within.
Students in TIP are driven into the founder’s vibrational power structure, and indeed, when they leave this construct they do fall, very hard – for without the training they can no longer hide in someone else’s story. The strict structure of the training was comforting. It was appealing to learn a new way of being, to have a rock solid story to adopt. Unfortunately, replacing the hurt story in their minds with the training story works only if they stay, for when they leave they must re-create who they are. In conclusion, it is critical that assessment along the path to spiritual awareness comes from within, not from an arbitrary external story or teacher. Thus the grave error of Training in Power. See Vibrational Psychology for more information about vibration and power transfer in Training in Power.
There are many ways to become aware of your own behavior and how it affects others. A look at the Power vs. Force” levels of awareness, and any universal spiritual material, will guide the seeker in the right direction. Low vibration is self-absorbed ego exclusiveness (us/them, me/they choices), high vibration is universal awareness of connection to all, and inclusiveness (we choices). Below are a few ideas about vibration.
The basics about how frequency affects your perceptions (abridged excerpts from Recreating Eden by Julia Rogers Hamrick)
Signs You’ve Raised Your Vibrational Frequency:
The level of vibrational frequency at which you are operating is determined by the degree to which you are in alignment with Source, and allowing Source energy-Life Force, which is also known as “Love”-to move freely through you. You align with Source by obeying your inner guidance above all other voices, and you move Life Force through you by loving-by radiating the Love you receive from Source, out to your world.
As we choose to honor the voice of God within us, and allow Love to radiate from us, our vibrational frequency is elevated. When we raise our vibrational frequency, our world changes. Our perceptions are heightened and our ability to stay in the flow increases. Our desire to conform with anything that is not in alignment with Who We Are declines dramatically, and our life becomes about expanding and embracing joy. Here are ten signs of operating at higher frequency:
~You are more patient and compassionate and able to offer Love more consistently
~You see more and more clearly that you are, indeed, the Creator of everything in your experience and embrace your creation with joy.
~Instead of inconveniences, you are now more likely to see unplanned events as just part of reality, as part of a divine network in which you have new choices.
~Your choices in how you spend your time have changed and you no longer relate to some activities, companions, and entertainment choices you once enjoyed
~Your awareness of what is in alignment with your Truth is sharpened, and you are more and more willing to let go of whatever-and whomever-is not in alignment
~Things that were once problems have faded into the distance or disappeared altogether
~Your ability to gauge the integrity of others is heightened, and you attract more and more people into your life who are committed to living in integrity
~Your ego-need to control what happens is greatly diminished
~You are frequently joyful for no apparent reason!
Three Simple but Extremely Powerful Practices That Raise Your Vibration (abridged excerpts from Recreating Eden by Julia Rogers Hamrick)
Higher vibrational frequency is the way we experience joy, ease, peace, true wisdom and total Love. The higher we rise in frequency, the closer to Source we are vibrationally, and the more we experience the God-knowingness and true power of Source. Your frequency is correlated with the amount of Life Force you have flowing freely through you, so maintaining alignment with Source and allowing full and free flow of Life Force is crucial to experiencing the sublime realm of higher frequency. Here are some key strategies for staying aligned and moving Life Force through you:
Radiate Love unconditionally. When you stop tying your Love to people and other entities, your ego will find less reasons to withhold Love and pinch off the flow of Life Force, also known as “Love,” through you. Ego will always find reasons why someone “doesn’t deserve” your Love, or will shut down or diminish the flow if it thinks the object of your Love isn’t open to receive it, etc. If God, demonstrating the highest vibrational frequency, considered whether or not we were open to receive Love before allowing Love to flow, Creation would collapse! So, instead of loving someone or something, make it your practice to simply love, period! Loving, no matter what, just as Source does, is the key to maintaining higher vibrational frequency. And you can trust that your Love is always received-it is received by the receptive aspects of the God in others, thus completing the grand cycle of Love going out from, and returning to, Source.
Be impeccably honest. Honesty maintains you in the Flow of Life Force and Love. Dishonesty is of the ego, therefore, being dishonest necessarily removes you from the Flow. In order to be dishonest, which is an ego-manipulation strategy, you step out of Love and into the lower vibrational realm of duality, the misery matrix, the place where ego exists. While your ego may tell you that being dishonest is a survival strategy, it is telling you an untruth.
Because there is no Life Force in duality [can’t be in both truth and untruth = incongruence], being dishonest depletes Life Force-hardly a survival move! Honesty is not only the way to stay in the Flow, or to step back into it if you’ve fallen for ego’s misguided manipulations, your honesty provides an invitation back into the Flow for everyone connected to you. Of course, being completely honest with yourself is the first step.
Make joy your #1 priority. Joy is your emotional response to higher frequency, and your guide to whether you’re in or out of the Flow. When you feel joyful, you are in the Flow. When you are feeling less-than-joyful, your ego has choked off the full flow of Life Force through you. When you’re in the Flow, your frequency is elevated due to the increased Life Force moving through you, and you experience joy and its constant companions, ease and peace, the state of being we all long for. The longing for joy is the carrot the Creator installed within us to assure that however far we dipped in frequency, we would always desire to come Home to the frequency level at which we were designed to thrive. When you make experiencing joy your first priority, your life aligns around that, and supports your staying in joy. When you are in joy, whatever you create is in alignment with joy, so joy begets more joy! Contrary to popular belief, joy is not just the result of some sort of mystical coming together of favorable factors, but is the result of continually choosing to be in vibrational alignment and in the Flow.
Higher frequency energy-Love-activates a joy response in your emotional body. Joy is your emotional response to higher frequency. When you are at a certain frequency, feeling the Love from Spirit moving through you to Spirit, the natural feeling you have is joy. And here is something truly empowering to know: when you feel joy, you are at a higher frequency.
Why is that so vital? If you want to raise your frequency, feel joy! You can decide to feel the joy that loving your Spirit puts you in touch with! You can create the feeling of joy within your emotional body and it will shoot your frequency up. While most of us go through life believing that we can only experience emotions in response to an external energy stimulus, the truth is that we can make the choice to feel joy. This will be a totally moot point once you are realigned and constantly radiating Love as you were designed to because joy-no, ecstasy-is the emotional response to the level of frequency you experience when you are back in Eden. But between now and then, you may experience a moment or two where you need to raise your frequency!
Frequency-Raising Support Tools and Techniques
Raising your frequency is a matter of unblocking the flow of Life Force from Source (also known as Love), so that it flows freely through you without resistance from your ego. The following are some of the many tools and energy-moving techniques that will help get you back in the flow!
Music is one of the easiest, most effective passive tools for frequency-raising as it is generally something that bypasses ego-resistance and entrains your energy to it without effort. You can use music to assist in moving out emotional “stuff” when you’re providing ego the chance to be heard so it can drop its resistance. Music composed as an act of healing is especially potent for this. Upbeat, rhythmic music will lift you up higher when you are ready to move to the joy space.
Conscious breathing-breathing dynamically and purposefully-realigns you with the rhythm of the Divine. Imagine you are breathing in Light and breathing out whatever is not in alignment and blocking the flow of Life Force through you. Using circular breathing techniques (rebirthing therapy) can rapidly move energy blockages through and out and free your energy to flow, but simply sitting and focusing on your breath is also a powerful way to get centered, oxygenated, and enlivened.
Aromatherapy is a powerful, passive frequency-raiser that bypasses all ego resistance.The aromatic essences of plants were provided by the Creator for the purpose of assisting us in realigning with Source, thus balancing, healing and energizing us. Smelling a pure plant fragrance brings our energy into the frontal lobes of the brain to the pineal gland where our God Knowingness is accessible. Many fragrances such as frankincense, sandalwood, rose and balsam fir are particularly effective for stimulating the pineal gland and raising frequency. Essential oils must be therapeutic-grade for this use.
Sleep is the gift we are given daily to get our ego-minds out of the way so we can realign with Source and Life Force can freely flow through us. Getting enough sleep is extremely important in raising your frequency and keeping it high.
Relaxation is like “neutral” in the gears of a car. When we relax, we allow energy in reverse polarity to come back into alignment. When things are going wrong, taking a deep breath and relaxing mentally and physically puts Spirit back in charge.
Toning is using your voice to raise and balance energy, something you do instinctively as a child. There are infinite ways to tone, but here is a technique to try: Start by sounding “oooooooooo” (rhymes with “glue”) at the lowest note your voice will go and raise the tone up smoothly over a period of a few seconds, from as low as you can easily go to the highest you can easily go, like a siren starting up, and hold the highest note as long as you can. Do not force the sound-let your voice gently wrap around the sound so as not to cause vocal strain. Repeat. Experiment with your voice and find your own favorite technique!
Exercise, including stretching, is a really great way to get the Life Force flowing freely through your body again. Physical movement not only causes energy to move through and oxygenate your brain, it stimulates the release of endorphins, which are frequency-elevating, as witnessed by the way they move you into joy. Do your favorite workout, dance, play a game that requires movement, or simply take a walk. The key is to move.
Radiating Love unconditionally is the most frequency-raising of all activities because in order to do it, you have to be in alignment! It is what you were designed for, and the ability to do this is “hard-wired” into you. When you radiate Love impersonally, just the way Source does, without concern for who is receiving or appreciating it, you are automatically in perfect alignment.
Other powerful frequency-raising activities to try include:
~Writing a letter to God, and channeling God’s totally loving answer in response
~Appreciating something or someone (gratitude is an especially powerful form of appreciation)
~Communing with Nature and allowing it to trigger your Love response to it
~Doing something for someone with absolutely no expectation of anything in return
~Using water, a magical, electromagnetic substance, to soak in, shower in, swim in, gaze at, and drink (being well-hydrated is essential for operating at higher frequency)