Examples of How Trainers Deflect Responsibility

As modeled by the leadership of Training in Power

Submitted Feb 2007, name withheld by request

My observation with this sort of thing with trainers (and particularly those in higher levels) is that all of these accusations are made against someone speaking out or leaving in a desperate attempt by the trainer to avoid any sort of personal responsibility or accountability.

The consistent theme that I have witnessed and been subject to personally is:

1. It does not matter if I hurt you because I am a wounded individual and therefore I have no responsibility to correct the wrong done;

2. It does not matter if I hurt you because evil made me do it and therefore I am not responsible;

3. It does not matter if I hurt you because you must be evil to make me do it and therefore its your fault;

4. It does not matter if I hurt you because the world is simply my mirror so I am really just hurting myself and therefore you should feel sorry for me;

5. I did not really hurt you, your own wounding just simply led you to believe that I did and therefore you should apologize to me;

6. You should be happy that I hurt you because it somehow was better for you, you just need to meditate about it and find out why;

7. I have the right to exploit you and use all of your talents/gifts/training/money for my own benefit without thanks or payment because it is really just a gift from the universe, not a gift from you personally and I deserve that because I am wounded;

8. You should be grateful that I used you since this is in the name of service which is somehow different that ‘servitude’, which I will explain to you when it is convenient (such as when you are giving someone else what I want and you are in servitude to them but will be in service to me);

9. Your employers use you and they are evil, but I will use you for the same thing only not pay you or even thank you and I am the light….;

10. I don’t have to follow man’s law (such as building safety codes, professional rules of conduct) because I adhere to a higher spiritual law, however I rely on man’s law to sue you if it suits my needs.

What I see is people desperate not to really look at themselves in any capacity because if they did and they assessed the their lives in the training and the stories they have created for themselves, it would all come crashing down. This is not to say that there is not a lot of good and love in some of them, however there is little accountability by most.

There is still one who I consider reporting to her profession for multiple reasons and I do greatly fear the damage that she will do to others as she moves higher up in the ranks of the training.

Just my little addition to this. I appreciate the comments you all make on this site and on the new website – keep it going!

(Name withheld by request)




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