
By Christiane, Germany

Dear Trainers,

I want you to know, that I burst out laughing, hearing, that we, the ex-members of tip, are accused of sending as an attack “BLACK SORCERY WORMS” with KILLING ENERGY — and that FF had to set up a specific healing technique, so that you can get rid of them. Otherwise your life is endangered.

Well, here is my sharing, how I personally think about your worm-disaster:

For me this accusation is nothing else as a very fun science fiction comic, which I enjoyed very much. Nevertheless, I recorded this experience for the universe, so that it is taken care of.

Sharing this ridiculous worm-story with some of my friends in Germany, who also have been in TIP, caused that they laughed so much, that they were rolling at the ground and almost peed in their pants!…And some others said: Wow how mean and insidious to say something like this!

To name it right away quite bluntly: This worm-story is clean nuts — !!! You guys get betrayed, manipulated, mislead, fooled and brainwashed by a BIG LIE from your teacher and founder, who is using once again – after countless examples – this fear based tactic with hidden agendas to control as well you personally, as also the whole tip community.

We ex members are more than glad that we don’t have to deal with such craziness anymore. Be sure: we are not wasting our time with these made up fantasy worms.The worms we are interested in are the ones who help us in the garden to have excellent soil for our flowers, veggies and plants. Some might be also interested in the worms they need to go fishing. We are back in the reality and this is a big relief.

Hey you guys — Wake up! Wake up! Wake up!!!

This worm-example shows par excellence how much you are getting sucked into the founder’s paranoid fantasy world, which is obviously governed by more than severe mental health problems.

The harm and the damage done to students by them need to stop!

I am very sorry for the ones, who got scared by these accusations against us. We are all devastated to imagine how many students get once again badly hurt, damaged or even seriously paranoid by this severe BIG -Worm – LIE.

How deeply saddening to realize the intensity of the founder’s personal mental health problems. All the battles you are fighting right now together with her in all the levels and in these additional made up worm-stories, are the battles, she needs to fight in herself. It is just and only her world – her reality – her torture – her sincere life drama, which must be hell to live with.It is a real tragedy in one’s life to only allow “ battles” and having always “enemies” around, with the intend to get you and to kill you. Just imagine, how a life must be, which is governed by this constant paranoid conception of humans and the world. Help is needed here! Urgently!

We ex-members know very well, how much we were also woven in FF’s projected story for a long time in our lives. We know, how it is to have this personal inner hell of the founder projected on us and on the world under the name, to “teach”us  to join her to fight back what will get and destroy her and us as the so important ones, who will rescue the world. We also believed her, like you. We also trusted her, like you. We were also fighting, like you – for years with FF against everything she told us were around us to destroy her / us. We would also have fought against these actual worms and it senders as you do now. We would have seen and felt them and we would have used our psychic gifts and brilliance to protect us as you do right now. We know very well, how it is, to be caught in this cult and there is a lot of empathy for you and your situation.

We are out of this cult-nightmare. And now we can see and understand, that all these battles and worms and other weird monster creatures, you are learning about in all the different levels, are nothing else as an invitation and seduction to play childish, like 4-12 year old ones, battling in a sand box. It is just one of these typical illusionary fantasy games which you can also play meanwhile for more than a 100 levels at the computer.. How many levels do you have now in tip? Guess what–there is no ending. More and more will come.

The difference is, that the students in tip are only the game-figures in this multi-level game tip, and the player = the founder and teacher, creates the story and has the dominion of how to play this game, means also which function a student has and how he/she has to act to follow the rules. And when the creator says, ex-members are sending worms, I have found them and I can help you to get rid of them, then you have entered only one other part of this game. And so it will go on and on…

If you ever choose to step out of this crazy making game = cult tip, and you are seeking help and support, please go to : “contact us” here on this site.

There is now a lot of different support available, and we ex-members are very satisfied, that we can offer such support to those, who are asking for help.

Playing with these fantasy-worms! How funny. Well, this chapter in my life book is finished for a long time. I am very busy creating much more fun chapters now and I love, how things have shifted and changed in my life.

Stay well. Take care of yourself!




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