Too Many Secrets…

By Colleen Wilson

While I freely acknowledge there were things I learned during my participation with TIP that had value and purpose for me, there was always a niggling doubt within that kept me on the fringes of participation. For years, I did only the bare minimum, the level trainings, the tortuous monthly meetings and the healings. I did step up briefly to serve as the Chair of the Ethics Committee for Canada and it was very shortly after that I chose to completely discontinue any participation. My decision to leave however did not have anything to do with my role and participation in the Ethics Committee.

Others have already stated many of my concerns eloquently, so I’ll keep it simple!

  1. I am not much of a group kind of gal
  2. Cliques. I’m not the cliquey type really…
  3. I do not believe every person on the Earth has been sexually abused
  4. I am not an abuser, yet was suspected of child abuse by a person I loved who was also a member of the organization
  5. I do not support mandated group counselling even if it is called a monthly meeting! (If it walks like a duck, talks like a duck, and flies like a duck…)
  6. I do not support laypersons attempting to counsel trauma survivors. It is simply bad practice and can be harmful.
  7. I do not believe in subjecting people to vicarious trauma
  8. I am a fiercely private individual who will freely share my story with persons I trust, however I will not be forced to disclose/discuss personal matters with a large audience of strangers.
  9. I do not take kindly to someone in a so-called position of authority having temper tantrums and acting out at meetings. Nor do I think that a person with a seemingly serious anger management issue should be given any credibility on that topic matter.
  10. I came to question the credentials, the stories I heard. A lot of talk but never any real tangible “sink yer teeth into this” .
  11. On-going rants about the impoverishment.
  12. I grew increasingly disturbed by the feeling I was part of a cloistered group. Everything revolved around the training. Give more time, take more courses, do more healings, join this group, or that group, and so on and so on. I love this crazy world too much to stop wanting to be a part of it.
  13. Money… too much spent with too little return. Should have gone to Hawaii!
  14. Too many secrets… SCREW THAT!
  15. The sense of Spiritual Superiority that seems to be rampant
  16. I simply do not recognize the founder or any other person to be anything but an equal in my eyes. I recognize myself as a person of power, of light, of love, and I will not bow in submission to any mortal on this earth plane.

Colleen Wilson




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