Letter of Resignation from Training in Power

By Wendy Fuentes

“The very reason they initially sought out the training – to heal from such attack in their past”

As I do not know to whom I should direct this letter, I am sending it to the entire board. I am writing to inform you that, effective immediately, I am resigning from the Training in Power organization.

Although I find the healing systems and the energy work profound and of immense value, I no longer wish to continue with an organization that, in my view, adopts strategies that are not in alignment with divine law.

I have witnessed “instructions’ which I feel are a mis-use of power, such as:

Students being told that if they leave the training their vibration will fall, “they will fall.” In my view, this is use of fear to dissuade students from leaving the training – not unlike the church saying “if you do this (or don’t do that), you will go to hell.”

I have witnessed fellow students being shamed and humiliated in class and, in some instances, outright verbally attacked. In my opinion, this is verbal abuse, no matter what package it comes in or for what reason, and for many this is the very reason they initially sought out the training – to heal from such attack in their past. Whether it is from your mother or a colleague, it is verbal abuse.

The contradictions within the Training. For instance, in Level III we are told to “be the masters that we are and walk amongst the people’, then in Level VI we are told “you must let go of anyone which is not of the light’. Not only is this a contradiction, but also it is a direct violation of the divine law of Free Will and no person has the right to impede his or her views upon another in that manner. Yes, we do have free will to adhere to the rule, or not, but the instruction itself is a direct violation of free will by imposing one’s beliefs upon another.

I have also witnessed, and been the recipient of, verbal attack when one disagrees with the answer given by the teacher. This was deemed “attack’ on the teacher and the students were then cut-off and ignored, after a verbal onslaught as to why the person was attacking the teacher.

I feel this is not conducive to an open, respectful and communicative healing environment in which one feels safe to step forward to heal that which they need to. This also does not lend to an organization that is striving for growth and change from those within the organization itself, particularly those in the“lower ranks’. I find this to be a “it’s true because I say it is’ dynamic which is an authoritarian and hierarchal system. This does not foster an open and progressive healing environment.

I share the above not to attack anyone, or the organization, but rather to be open and honest so that each individual, and the organization as a whole, may address these issues. I can only assume that others have experienced and pondered the same or similar. I cannot help but wonder how many phenomenal students and teachers have been lost because of these and other issues.

It has taken me much time and searching within myself to come to this conclusion as, as I have mentioned, I find this work to be very profound. I am no longer able to ignore the subtle, and anything but subtle, messages and validation that my body has been communicating to me for some time now. I MUST follow my true, inner knowing and the innate wisdom from within, which is to exercise my free will and resign from the training.

I wish each and every one of you and the organization as a whole the very best now and always – no matter where your path may lead.

In love and light,
Wendy Fuentes




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