False Evidence Appearing Real

Submitted anonymously

Faye is a master at this. She presents False Evidence in such away that it appears real to the students. For example, in Teachers meetings she often shares some perceived attack on the training in such a way that:

  1. the listeners know to whom she is referring or to what group she’s assigned blame without her ever saying so.
  2. it may be only a small event, a one time happening, but is made to be a specific all out attack on her and the training
  3. by the use of fierce, sorceristic language such as “It’s called a worming and it’s an ancient Sorcerer’s technique to make someone go crazy” she invokes fear, paranoia and panic in the students as well as to get them “onboard” to fight for and with her
  4. she controls what students are supposed to think. For example, she says so many negative things about anyone who associates with Lessons In Awareness, Diane or Open Circle, that even unhappy ex-tippers stay away from the web-site and are judgmental of any of us who’ve chosen to use these avenues to assist us in healing, re-connecting and exposing wrongdoing.
  5. She takes things like the an acronym ‘FINE’ and tells people it means Fucked up, Insecure, Neurotic and Egotistical, as if it is something she created but that saying has actually been said in 12 step meetings for 25 years or more.It’s not unique to tip nor did it start there. I for one am reclaiming the word FINE.  I think it is just fine to be fine. Fine – Fabulous, Intuitive, Nice and Eclectic.

As Ex-members of tip who have decided to write and post to this website, we are often accused of organized attack on the training. Many times, whatever we’ve been accused of – no member of this group participated in, in any way. That means it was either a single disgruntled ex member of training in power who is expressing themselves and their discontent or it is a current member of TIP who has not yet left but feels a morale obligation to expose inappropriate behaviour. IT’S NOT ALWAYS US!!!!!

I feel it also needs to be said that for many of us who have left tip, there is a history of workplaces, family members, government agencies, all receiving slanderous, anonymous phone calls after leaving the training. Phone calls in which the person is given very personal information about the ex-member or about what an ex-member said or did. The information shared makes a strong case for the anonymous caller to be a member of tip. At the very least this makes tip UNSAFE and  NOT CONFIDENTIAL.

If you are a current member of TIP, I would suggest you keep this in mind. I have much regret in ever sharing within what I believed to be a confidential system and have since been disheartened and disillusioned to think that what I shared may have been used against me. Sharing personal information with an ex-member’s employer or family is blatantly disrespectful and shows no regard, caring, or concern for the harm done to the ex-member. Many ex-members of training in Power have been harassed and abused and stalked in this manner and they have no recourse because it was all done anonymously. I, however, have the right and the freedom to say here, that this has happened and it is wrong, destructive, and harmful.

In conclusion, the “attack” tip is perceived to be under is all an illusion to keep you on your toes and to keep you away from us. How long do you want to live in the paranoia, fear and self-importance of Training in Power? In reality, you are doing very little to change the world. Very few people are healing! The miracles only last as long as they are needed to create the high! The  feel good feelings! Masters of Illusion! That’s what you really train to be masterful at – deceiving yourselves and being deceived by the construct of illusion created by Faye.

(Contributor’s name removed)




Diane’s Letter of Resignation from Training in Power

Sent: Wednesday, March 03, 2004 3:33 PM Subject: Resignation To …

Re: Why They Stay

I think it says a lot about the fear of …

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