All bad is committed by humans… in their humanity

Submitted anonymously

Hey All,

So many amazing posts (on the support group site). Thanks again everybody! Had a few realizations the other day, and wanted to share them.

Does anybody remember the Level 6 Retreat where “The Sorcerer’s Apprentice” was one of the films shown? I remember a comment made by Faye that maybe we’d “get it” if we watched this. There has been mention of sorcerer’s energy…. If this is a training tool to emphasize her point, and we are the Mickey Mouses… what then is she???
And… the “accept my humanity plea’???? So, under this pretence, the world should accept…

child abuse
verbal abuse
emotional abuse
and on and on… all acts committed by humans… in their humanity……..

To be a compassionate, empathetic individual does not require we give blanket acceptance to another’s pathological behaviours because they are poor, misunderstood and only human. If we do not hold ourselves and others accountable, the perpetuation of violence and other atrocities will only continue…. Microcosm, Macrocosm…..

It is amazing to me how the greater the distance I put between myself and my training in power time, the greater the clarity I attain.

Peace Out!

[Name withheld by request]




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All bad is committed by humans… in their humanity

Submitted anonymously Hey All, So many amazing posts (on the …