Category: Letters
Does This Path Have a Heart?
By Chiara Wood When I resigned from the Training, I did so officially quite a long while after I was unofficially Gone! It didn’t seem important for me to officially resign. My idea was to kick back and further kick back. I had already not been going to most of the classes, meetings, parties etc. for…
The ability to conform does not create or equal community
Submitted anonymously The ability to conform does not create or equal community. Empowerment and inclusion in community values the individuality of a person. I am more than the abuse I experienced, a story or a cause. My identity is not founded on the small part of my life where there was victimization. The expression of…
Your Soul is Your Own
By Kellie Newton This letter is intended as a resource for those who are thinking of leaving Training in Power, and as a counter point for those still firmly ensconced in TIP who believe that Diane Muir’s website “Lessons in Awareness” is just a spiteful, one woman’s crusade to destroy an “innocent church of light.” My…
One former Training in Power seeker’s story
By Germen Terpstra (Originally posted in two parts) Part 1 I feel that I came through the experience with Training in Power relatively unscathed – still scarred and battle-weary but also “older and wiser”. When I joined in 1996 I was ripe for seduction into TIP (I see the organization now as a Seduction in…
All bad is committed by humans… in their humanity
Submitted anonymously Hey All, So many amazing posts (on the support group site). Thanks again everybody! Had a few realizations the other day, and wanted to share them. Does anybody remember the Level 6 Retreat where “The Sorcerer’s Apprentice” was one of the films shown? I remember a comment made by Faye that maybe we’d…
Thank you for the link to the site
Submitted anonymously Wow I think everyone should know of this site, and make their own educated choices about the Training. I have to say reading the blog with the notes for Level lX just further reminded me of my feelings at Level 6 retreat. I remember how much grief and hysterics I felt, the night…
Letter of Resignation from Training in Power
By Wendy Fuentes “The very reason they initially sought out the training – to heal from such attack in their past” As I do not know to whom I should direct this letter, I am sending it to the entire board. I am writing to inform you that, effective immediately, I am resigning from the…
Returning to a semblance of “normal”
Submitted anonymously Hi there, As many others I would like to remain anonymous. I have been following your website since you posted it a while back. There’s power in numbers so I thought I’d add my story to the list. I enrolled in TIP several years ago as my partner had taken the first 2…
Making Peace with Leaving Training In Power
Submitted anonymously I’m discovering this is no easy task. Friends in TIP do not understand the depth of indoctrination that is happening to them just as I did not. It’s only now when I find myself feeling the impact of leaving – the memories of how sad everyone is in the training, as if you’ve…
By Christiane, Germany Dear Trainers, I want you to know, that I burst out laughing, hearing, that we, the ex-members of tip, are accused of sending as an attack “BLACK SORCERY WORMS” with KILLING ENERGY — and that FF had to set up a specific healing technique, so that you can get rid of them. Otherwise…