Category: Letters
Dearest Person Thinking of Joining Training in Power…
…Or Person Thinking of Leaving Training In Power or Person Who Has Left Training in Power and is Wondering What the Fuck Just Happened I was a member of TIP for about 14 years. I left it over a decade ago and am only just starting to really be able to articulate the harm this…
Just so happens
I have found myself in relationship with a person who’s sister is in this belief system aka cult. We both find her negative nature and judgemental paranoid ways rather challenging. We have both been through our own various hardships and heartache and come through to the other side. Now all we desire is to live…
A lot of harm done
The most striking thing about all of this is that absolutely nothing in TIP has changed since the first posting many, many years ago. Nothing. No kindness, no lessons learned and certainly no apologies. Faye gained my complete love and loyalty, then really hurt and betrayed me. I am forever changed.
Training In Power’s Recklessness With Trauma
Submitted anonymously The more I’ve done traditional therapy to help deal with the aftermath of being in TIP (which I was skeptical of for a long time because of what I was taught), the more righteous rage I feel for how careless TIP is with trauma. When you deal with trauma with a trauma-aware therapist,…
Insights after taking level 1 twice
Submitted anonymously I’m going to start with the positives of my experience after taking level 1(twice) as I want to make the point that one of the reasons that I was unaware that the course was a cult without a trusted confidant revealing this to me is that its teachings are good! This is at…
An Ex-member’s Story
Even though the best high-tech immunologists in the world were telling me that I was a carrier of a known but rare X-linked genetic mutation that they’d actually identified in my DNA, that day Faye insisted that the true reason Ray was sick was that my husband was sexually abusing him and had been for…
Take your money and Run
By Joanna W. I spent 7 years with training in power, and went to level 6. It is easy to write a positive review as someone in levels 1-4. Levels 1-3 are wonderful, mostly. If you are hooked, if you must, go through with levels 1-3, then run far far away. There is a reason…
False Evidence Appearing Real
Submitted anonymously Faye is a master at this. She presents False Evidence in such away that it appears real to the students. For example, in Teachers meetings she often shares some perceived attack on the training in such a way that: the listeners know to whom she is referring or to what group she’s assigned…
Discrimination in Training In Power
This post is from the collective contributions of open circle members, a yahoo support group for those ex-members of the Training In Power Cult. I have just looked up some of the words that I would attribute to Training In Power and its leadership. If there is a word to inclusively describe the level of…
Gratitude for the Website
Submitted anonymously I am so deeply grateful for all of the work, time, patience and passion put into this website. Many of us get off the path of Truth, Light, Love and Personal Empowerment by seeking solutions outside of ourselves. Training inPower claims to lead you to Power and seduces you into believing that Training…